Monday, September 9, 2013

What Hurts The Most

So he tried to run with Haiden last night. I am getting so fed up with this. I'm tired of the drama, I'm tired of the mistress, I'm tired of it all and just want it to go away. I'm trying to keep a smile on my face when in reality all I want to do is just put a bullet thru my brain and just end it all. I keep going back and forth on things - I want my husband back but the man he has become is someone I don't even want to touch. I want to be happy - but I want to be happy with my husband. Nobody makes me smile or feel like he did - but this darkness he has become isn't whom I fell in love with nor the person I knew.
Klara is special - not only did she have the officer rolling last night because she called a silver car white but she didn't even know the make or the model - ok hun - my husband is living with you with my child and you don't know the make or model of any of his I had to straighten her up about that then I preceeded to tell her how all of this clusterfuck was her fault because she couldn't keep her pussy from falling on my husbands cock. Then she tried to freak out and I stopped her right there and told her there is no need for her to freak out because that's MY husband... yes.. MY husband the man I made vows to... and MY daughter ... the one I carried in my belly for 9 months.. missing not yours so please sit down and play with yourself because when I'm done with both of you thats all thats going to be happening.
I have changed but the anger that woman shoots through my body is like that of 1,000 habenero peppers... it's unreal....I couldn't do it I just wanted to hit a bitch...
I dreamed last night my hubby came home to me - I know it will never happen but a girl can dream right....

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